Slogold Real State


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Administration of Real Estate Properties in Costa Rica

Since the real estate market in countries like Costa Rica is booming, many investors have visited us and decided to invest their capital in something other than stocks or bonds. Investing in properties gives the owners the opportunity to actually use their investment, enjoy it and also make a profit out of it.

How can investors enjoy something which it is actually an investment? By having professionals take care of it while the owners are not there to enjoy it. Buying a property can be for both personal use and for making a profit by renting it out. As the Real Estate Business is booming; so is the Property Management Business. Property Management consists in trained professionals ready to do the hard work for property owners who can´t because of time or won´t do it because of the culture shock. Those professionals are willing to take care of the property, as far as paying bills, keeping up with appliances guarantees, cleaning, decoration, maintenance, etc. The professionals are basically there to be “the owners” of the property, while the real owner is not in town. Although, many investors like to be hands-on regarding their investment, this is not always possible due to time. The professionals can be hands-on, they are fully committed to prepare a house,condo or beachfront property, to be livable, for any high end client, owner or tenant.

  • Paying Property taxes
  • Professional Maintenance of the Property
  • Periodical check-ups and inventories of the Property
  • Legal Consults on regards to lease or tenants
  • Professional decorators, gardeners, etc
  • Cleaning of the Property
  • Paying Utility Services Bills of the Property
  • Periodical reports on expenses and earnings
  • Marketing of the Property to foreign markets

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Avia and Slogold Group S.A.

Panama virtual office, live answering. Tax exempt companies, foundations. Panama bank and merchant accounts

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Complete legal solutions in Costa Rica. Costa Rica companies, immigration. Gambling, sportbook, poker, gaming license.

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